eGov Services Near MeGet the new widget that will allow your local or community website to display state, county and city online services for your visitors. |
Arkansas State Jobs for Specific AgencyThis example was developed to aggregate open employment positions from Arkansas State Jobs for the Arkansas Department of Human Services. This widget can be customized for any state agency who supplies data to Arkansas State Jobs. If you are interested in this option, please contact the Information Network of Arkansas at |
Arkansas State JobsThis widget lists open positions from state agencies who supply data to the Arkansas State Jobs website. |
Recovery.Arkansas.govThis widget reports stimulus money awards and project information by county from the website. This widget can be customized for any county. |
| TwitterThis widget is the Twitter feed. This widget can be customized for any Twitter feed. |
| Flickr PoolThis widget shows photos posted to the photo pool on Flickr. |
| YouTubeFeatured YouTube videos from |
Arkansas Lottery ResultsResults from the Arkansas Lottery. Includes Powerball and Mega Millions. |